Copeland Ancestors of McDonough,Georgia

This page is a loose compilation of information regarding the ancestory of the Copeland family originating from McDonough, Georgia from about 1826. William Copeland was the first Copeland to come to McDonough and all information here pertains to his twelve children. William started a plantation five miles east of McDonough. His son, David, ran the plantation. Another son, Elihu, is my great-great grandfather. Another son,Willis, was a confederate veteran and father of H. J. who had a big economic impact on McDonough. Another son, Eli, had a son John A. Copeland who was awarded the Southern Cross for his service in the Confederate Cavalry. My name is Charles Copeland and William Copeland is my great-great-great grand father. GA7.jpg I'll be adding more information as I run across it and have time to organize it properly.

  •  Pictures - Copeland homes in McDonough,Georgia
  •  Pictures - McDonough Town Square.
  •  Pictures - Old Sharon Church Cemetary
  •  Pictures - Duncan Creek Church in Laurens,SC.
  •  Pictures - Harper Cemetary
  •  Pictures - Old Copeland Plantation
  •  Directions to Old Sharon Church Cemetary and Copeland Plantation.
  •  Pg1 - Copeland History from Henry County Georgia,The Mother of Counties by Vessie Thrasher Rainer.
  •  Pg2 - Copeland History from Henry County Georgia,The Mother of Counties by Vessie Thrasher Rainer.
  •  Family Tree - Decendants of William Copeland (b.1786)
  •  Diagram - Copeland family tree, relative to my father Charles M. Copeland, drawn by his sister Isabel Keller.

    Henry J. Copeland Mansion in McDonough,Georgia